Conservation Area Details
What is a Conservation Area?
Conservation areas can be created where a local planning authority identifies an area of special architectural or historic interest, which deserves careful management to protect that character. The first conservation areas were designated in 1967 under the Civic Amenities Act, and there are now nearly 10,000 in England. Since then, Newark and Sherwood District Council has designated a number of sites including most of South Clifton as a Conservation Area.
Within a conservation area, there are a number of works/alterations which will require planning permission. These include the demolition of buildings and certain types of minor development, such as the rendering/cladding of a building or the installation of satellite dishes, removal / replacing fencing and any work to trees. In certain cases, permitted development rights might be further restricted through an Article 4 Direction. The above list is not exhaustive.
If you are planning any work in any of these areas it is always wise to check with the Planning Department. Further information is available on the Newark & Sherwood Councils website