Flood Preparedness
Flood Group Emergency Contacts:-
Gill Cobham (Community Liaison Officer) Land Line: 01522 778914 Mobile: 07957 404891
James Goode (South Clifton Flood Warden) Mobile: 07361 325508
Adam Faux (South Clifton FLood Group) Land Line: 01522 779219 Mobile: 07976 099524
As I am sure you are aware, following the minor flooding in January this year, South Clifton Parish Council felt it was important to set up a Flood Group and devise a plan to follow, if it ever looked likely we would flood again. I am just giving you a quick update.
Myself, James Goode and Adam Faux have nearly finished formulating a protocol that the Flood Group will work from and we have also worked out an Emergency Plan that I am sharing with you below.
Adam has already set up a WhatsApp broadcast group, to allow warnings to be shared quickly and many of you have offered to be volunteers if help is needed, which we thank you for. If you haven't given us your details to join this WhatApp group or if you have not provided your email for village messages, please let me know. Messages will also be shared on Cliftonites and by email.
You will see on the Emergency Plan, that we will have a resilience store that will have sand bags and aqua sacks and other items that we would need to use should the occasion arise. We are in the process of pricing this up and applying for funding. We also need to finalise whereabouts in the village it will stand.
Here is our Emergency Plan.
- If a flood is imminent then the South Clifton Flood Group will co-ordinate and communicate with local residents, volunteers and relevant agencies
- South Clifton Resilience Store will be opened and any affected/potentially affected residents will be invited to collect supplies.
- If evacutaion or flood prevention measures are required South Clifton Flood Group will co-ordinate support via village volunteers, North Sherwood District Council, Environment Agency, Fire Brigade or other agencies where necessary.
- Contact will be made with the "Places of Safety" and necessary arrangements made by the Flood Group.
- South Clifton Flood Group will maintain regular contact with affected residents/households.
- Community Liaison Officer will liaise and be key contact for Flood Wardens and any incoming/outgoing information.
Thanks for reading - please get in touch if you have questions.