The Mill Field Project
The Mill Field Project
There is a piece of land on Mill Lane, just above and opposite to the South Clifton Coronation Hall, which belongs to Newark & Sherwood District Council. Until recently this land had been in use but has now become vacant. The council have suggested hey might be willing to listen to a proposal from the Parish Council for the use of the land. The Parish Council have asked the community to form a working party to look at and present Ideas for how the land could be used to benfit the community.
This working party is being headed up by Adam Cormack and a working committe has been formed to take the project forward.
The committee has now submitted a proposal to Newark & Sherwod Council via the Parish Council and mow are waiting a response.
The final proposal is availabe HERE
The project will need funds, sponsors and volunteers so if you can help in any way don't hesitate to get in touch. Information will be posted onto this site and the Cliftonites facebook page. If you are not yet part of the Cliftonites Group please sign up.
The working party is looking at dividing the land into 4 main areas:-
- Pond - renovation
- Tree planting to form a wooded area
- Fruit tree planting to form an orchard - possilby commercial
- Allotments.
- MIll Field